Balboa Mix and Match
Dancers will dance 3-4 songs from 190-220 bpm with three different partners in an allskate format. Follows will rotate the number of spaces selected at random by the contest official to determine their partners.
A judging panel will select finalists and results will be posted and announced before the contest.
Dancers will dance 3-4 songs from 190-225 bpm with three different partners in an allskate format.
Dancers will be judged individually. Follows will rotate the number of spaces selected at random by the contest official to determine their partners.
Balboa Strictly Contest
This is a couples contest.
Dancers will dance to 3-4 songs, varying tempos. Judges will select finalists.
Dancers will have an all-skate, then will spotlights, 8 – 8’s twice through, then everyone dance to finish the song. Judges pick winners.
Pure Balboa &/or Shag Endurance Contest
This is an all-skate couples contest. The rules are simple: you must dance balboa the entire time, and you must stay on the beat, no matter how fast the music gets. Judges will tap out contestants when either of these rules is broken. The contest will continue, with progressively increasing tempos, until judges have eliminated all but one couple. The last couple standing can continue to dance as long as they wish or until the end of the song, whichever comes first.
Judging criteria:
-partnership (both dancers are working together and listening to each other)
-timing and technique (dancers are demonstrating a knowledge of balboa and are dancing in time with the music)
-showmanship (dancers are having fun and engaging the audience)
-musicality (styling and dancing choices highlight what it happening in the music).